"Hiiii!!, Im Mario a lover of DIY and DWO stuff, my hobbies are Machine/Deep Learning and phisic computation.Im a polyglot developer i love learning and develop in any programming language but my prefer topics in computer science are computer graphics, android mobile develop, geo/data vizualiations, VR/AR interfaces and apps.In my works i had the opportunity to share and learn with other kinds of knowledge like game development, cloud computing, data mining, robotics, visual/digital arts, design, and the most important thing share/change with people."
15/oct.2015. Mario Alzate
This is a C++ library to control Resolume Vj Software from OpenFrameworks
06/jun.2013. GTA,Precarius Tecnologicus
Symbiosis is a robotic enviroment, was the winner of BLOC(becas locales de creacion artistica)an artistic schollar schip sponsored by Lugar a Dudas.
01/mar.2015. Mario Alzate,Luisa Ortiz
Microcosmos and technology for kids
This was an arrive in the Populus Rural community. This course was focused in explain the relations between the nature, the cosmos and technology.
06/jun.2015. Citizen Lab, LABiCBR
Virtual Ciudad
This is a Data Viz and Virtual Reality project used to understand some social indicators focused in racial discrimination in Rio de Janeiro. All the implementation was made with a graphic engine called Unity.
28/sep.2016. Mario Alzate
Durex Feel Sync app
Durex feel sync app was an interactive installatoin with an android advergame that syncs people with music, to build this i embedded PureData, Processing and Firebase in android studio.
15/nov.2014. Mario Alzate, Cesar Penilla
Classifying dangerous situtions through audio features extraction
In this article we research the posibility to classify dangerous situations using Machine Learning structures like support vector machines and technics for audio features extraction.
26/agosto.2013. Research Group Technology for Arts(GTA)
Robotics and embedded systems course
This course was one week teaching with Sergio Bromberg and Junior Paladines how to connect sensors and hardware with arduino and RaspberryPi to make little wood robots.
26/agosto.2015. Big Family Studio
Halloween Face Substitution
This is an interactive interface build in OpenFrameworks for Big Family Studios, the implementation used textures GLSL and the library FaceTracker to adjust the GLSL texture to the face in real time.
29/ago.2017. Relatos en la Espera
Relatos en la Espera
Relatos en la espera' transforma el tiempo de espera del viajero en transporte público en una nueva experiencia a través de microrrelatos.
15/oct.2015. Mario Alzate
P5irebase is a library to manage a cloud data base service called Firebase of Google, P5irebase is a library for Processing IDE.
28/mar.2013. Mario Alzate
Chatbot trained with Torch
This is an experemint for Imaginamos S.A, in this we train a chatbot with Torch a deep learning framework using a recurrent neural network.
15/oct.2014. Mario Alzate,Cesar Penilla
Evoiding dynamic obstacles with real time pathfinding
This is a porpouse to use Djistrak pathfinding algorithm with a camera in real time to control movile agents that can evoid dynamic obstacles.
28/mar.2013. Mario Alzate
Deopies Virtual Reality Advergame
Deopies Carrera de la Mujer is a virtual relity advergame for android, in this game the player avoid some obstacles to finish the race.
26/ago.2017. Interactivos17?
Interactivos17?' son un híbrido entre taller de producción, seminario y exhibición. En ellos se crea un espacio de reflexión, investigación y trabajo colaborativo en el que se desarrollan y posteriormente se muestran las propuestas seleccionadas mediante una convocatoria internacional, en un proceso abierto al público de principio a fin.
15/nov.2015. LABiCBR
El LABiCBR es una iniciativa de la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (Segib), el Ministerio de Cultura de Brasil, por medio de la Secretaría de Políticas Culturales (SPC), y cuenta con la colaboración del Medialab-Prado.
28/mar.2013. Mario Alzate
Google Dinosaur with SVM
This was a funny xperiment for Big Family Studios, we try to train a support vector machine with 100 pixel values and classify if google T-Rex need jump.